Week 3: Best Lecture Series: Godzilla and the Making of a Global Icon, by Dr. William Tsuitusi (extra credit: 1)

 Not sure what to make of the information that film makers in the porn industry were employed to keep audience attention during the Godzilla movie, but this franchise is so old, its bound to have a colored history. Also interesting is that Godzilla went form an open wound of post-war trauma to a symbol of 'good' change. He's like a manifestation of Japan's current mood, a sort of barometer of cultural opinions for a culture that is very reserved and recalcitrant in public. There was one story in Kwaiden actually that kind of captures the catharsis-by-proxy aspect of Godzilla, the story with the bell and the mirror. You put all your thoughts, feelings, and intent onto a scapegoat for the actual thing and come away feeling better for it. As far as emotional outlets go, Godzilla is pretty world-famous one.


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