
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Total: 106

  Total Points: 106 Classes attended:  15 Points: 15 Extra Credit completed:  Week 1: The Gothic A Lecture, by David Punter, Week 1: Frankenstein 1931 film, Week 2: Nosferatu 1922 film, Week 3: Best Lecture Series: Godzilla and the Making of a Global Icon, by Dr. William Tsuitusi, Week 4: Cabin in the Woods (2011), directed by Drew Goddard, Week 5: The Witches (audiobook), by Roald Dahl, Week 6: Three Tolkien short stories; Week 12: Bloodchild, by Octavia Butler. Points: 12 Books read:   The Picture of Dorian Gray  by Oscar Wilde,  Dracula  by Bram Stoker,  Perdido Street Station  by China Mieville,  The Golden Compass  by Philip Pullman,  Akata Witch  by Nnedi Okorafor,  Lud-in-the-Mist  by Hope Mirrlees,  Trail of Lightning  by Rebecca Roanhorse,  Kwaiden  by Lafcadio Hearn,  Sirens of Titan  by Kurt Vonnegut,  The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms  by N.K. Jemison,  Warbreaker  by Brandon Sanderson,  Soulless  by Gail Carriger,  Dune  by Frank Herbert,  Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman,