Week 12: Bloodchild, by Octavia Butler (points: 2)
My reaction to this story is that it is somehow familiar. Not in the way that Butler stole from someone else her idea, or that this story has been rewritten ad nauseum. I mean it in that Gan's story is something that is very familiar to the average consumer of period romance, and maybe even at some level, the female-hindbrain. This is an arranged marriage between Gan and T'Gatoi, something that was practiced for a majority of human history, across culture and era. T'Gatoi being a literal alien isn't even that strange in this context - humans use that word to describe 'foreigners' after all, and cross culture marriage for the consolidation of power and resources was an extremely prevalent reason for arranged marriages. Gan's equivocation over accepting T'Gatoi before ultimately accepting is interesting to me. He doesn't care as much as he thinks he does about becoming T'Gatoi's 'bride,' but he is afraid of hosting her young. He's...